Tähän mennessä swappailtua kamaa Flickrissäni.

What to do when you feel like making stuff but don't want all of it for yourself, can't overload your family and friends too much and dislike the thought of letting it just roam around your place? Try swapping. It might ring some bells if you've been penpalling but you can swap just about anything. I hear that there are several websites and online communities where you can meet other swappers but currently I'm most familiar with Swap-bot. Follow the link and see what it is about, maybe join us too. I've been a member for about a year now and taken part in some eighty swaps so far. There will be many photos of things I've sent god knows where across the oceans and received something of the same type from another faraway place.
Stuff swapped so far on my Flickr.
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